Genealogical Society of Kendall County, Texas

About Us

The Genealogical Society of Kendall County was founded in 1981 and received its charter from the State of Texas on June 17, 1982.

The Society is a tax-exempt, non-profit organization under the Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3).

The Society's objectives are to promote the study of family research, to collect and preserve biographical data and records of the people of the community and their ancestors, to build and maintain a genealogical library and to offer programs of genealogical interest to its members and to the general public and to conduct education programs related to genealogy and family history.
Genealogical Society of Kendall County, Texas
 Mailing Address:  P. O. Box 623, Boerne, TX 78006
Research Center:  114 E. Blanco St., Boerne, TX 78006

Operating Year: January - December 2025

President: Jan Kay Carr
Vice-President: Kaye Wykoff
Secretary: Richard Butler
Treasurer: Rosie V Habeeb
Director: Karla Abbott
Director: Jennifer Johnson Bishop
Director: Richard Tomlinson
Committee Chairs
Building Fund: Richard Tomlinson
Education: Lloyd Shenberger
First Families of Kendall Co: Hal Harwell
Historian: Sandra K Wilbourn
Hospitality: Karla Abbott
Library: Jack Gatewood
Membership: Karla Abbott
Newsletter: Jan Kay Carr
Public Relations: Richard Tomlinson
Publications: Vacant
Research Trip: Lloyd Shenberger
Seminar: Gloria J Baker
Web Site: Hal Harwell
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